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Together Always, United in Our Diversity

Word from Larry Rousseau Executive Vice-President of CTC: 

As the 2023 Pride season rapidly approaches, the CLC is happy to share materials to assist affiliates in their preparations for events across the country.

This year, we have chosen to adopt the ILGA World IDAHOBIT Committee’s theme for 2023 Pride, “Together Always, United in Our Diversity.” The emphasis of this theme highlights the importance of solidarity, an action we know well in our labour movement and that is paramount in defending the hard-earned gains we have made to advance 2SLGBTQI+ rights in Canada.

It is no secret that Pride organizations from coast to coast have been the targets of homophobic and transphobic hate and violence, and these attacks are irrefutably connected to larger, global efforts of alt-right and white supremacist organizing. That is why it is so important that we celebrate this year by communicating labour’s commitment to human rights. To be loud and clear, that we as a movement will bring our solidarity and strength to the front lines of every Pride event we can attend, to vehemently defend against the bigotry and ignorance peddled by the far right. That we will celebrate the richness and contributions of 2SLGBTQI+ people in Canada, and that side by side, we will continue to push for equity and justice both in the workplace and in our communities.

To help you incorporate this theme and focus into your planning for this year’s Pride events, we have developed some tools for you to use. We invite you to use these materials and customize them as you see fit.

The CLC Pride 2023 Campaign Toolkit includes:

This Pride season, let’s make it clear that Canada’s unions view all forms of 2SLGBTQI+ phobia and violence as an injury to the progressive vision we will forever champion for our country. It is time we push back against the hate and celebrate with Pride!